
Who Are We?

Created With One Focus In Mind…F.A.M.I.L.Y.

Fashion - Academics - Mentorship - Inspiration - Leadership - You

Vision Statement

To inspire a culture of creativity, confidence, and individuality in young adults through our signature apparel and holistic development programs. We celebrate authentic success stories and envision a world where emerging “EYECONS” are empowered to break free from the pressures and expectations society often imposes on how they should think, look, or act.

Langston Faulk | CEO & Founder

Here at Eyeconik Brand

  • Brilliance is - EXPECTED

  • Leadership is the - NORM

  • Respect is - DEMANDED

  • Service is the - STANDARD

  • Authenticity is our - BRAND

  • Grinding is our - ETHIC

  • Having Class Is - JUST WHAT WE DO

#iAmEyeconik #SoAreYou #MoreThanFashion